

Artist: Chihwei CHIU

Acrylic paint on corrugating paper

76 × 58cm


MACARON⁺宣傳套版0 拷貝 6

The artist Chihwei CHIU(born in 1980, Taiwan) obtained his master degree at the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts of Tainan National University of The Arts. Recently, he has been creating three-dimensional works apart from painting and got invited to several brands crossover platforms and showcases. These years, his works have been invited to significant exhibitions around the globe including U.K., Germany, France, U.S., Japan, Korea and China, and awarded with prizes such as Young Artist Award of Art Show Busan 2012.

His works were collected by museums, foundations, and individuals, delighting a wide range of ages.

Deeply appreciated by the senior collectors, CHIU accepted the invitation of artist residency in Seoul from Korean prominent gallery Gana Art, to combine different cultures and thoughts in Asia. With keen eyes, he coordinates perspectives and discoveries for a profound observation of human minds, to precisely depict the unique heart movement for warm emotions, and create a surreal girlish inner world of sweet and fantastic images. His painting conveys the happiness from love and hopes. The girl in painting of her twinkling big eyes always stares into the world, and in the eyes is her inner universe triggering the subtle moves. The wishful world is set up with warm colors where the girl lives in as the tailored stage to deliver happiness. Sometimes the girl holds flowers, macarons, gift boxes or delicate desserts to express the heartfelt joyful wishes. The girl is the character to send blessings; she embraces pleasurable gift with the expectation to warm your heart and bring you the everlasting beautiful mood. Here it invites you to be brimming over with love, enchanting hopes, cheering happiness and the scent of blessing.




深受許多資深藏家的注目與喜愛的邱銍韋,2012~2014年受韓國頂級畫廊 Gana Art 的邀約,旅居韓國首爾創作發展;揉合亞洲不同文化與思維,在不斷的試驗與探索,透過敏銳細微的心思,透視人的內心,精準的描繪出您我內心獨特跳耀的感動,創造出甜美幻麗的超現實女孩內心世界 ;作品傳遞出愛與希望的幸福感,畫中的女孩,總是張著一雙閃亮大眼觀看世界,但眼神裡卻是女孩心中的小宇宙,牽動著內心細微的感動。透過暖暖的色溫,幻化出夢幻般的世界,創造出女孩獨特的幸福舞台。而舞台中的女孩,有時捧著花朵、馬卡龍、禮物盒和華麗夢幻的甜點,表達出溫暖喜悅的祝福;透過女孩傳遞更多祝福的禮讚。女孩環抱著甜蜜的禮物期待溫暖您的心,創造出無限的美麗好心情,邀您一起來感受愛,感受甜美的希望,感受暖暖的幸福感與充滿幸福味的香氣。

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